18 April 2009


Treatment of Intestinal Helminthiasis : Mebendazole only or Mebendazole – Pyrantel Pamoate?
Methode : RCT
Conclusion : a single dose of mebendazole is preffered for mass treatment of multiple intestinal helminthiasis infections.
In conclusion, treating intestinal helminthiasis by combination of single dose pyrantel pamoate 10mg/BW followed by mebendazole 2x100mg for 3 consecutive days eliminates intestinal helminth faster compared to that by single dose 500mg mebendazole only. However there is no significant difference of cure rate of intestinal helminthiasis between both combination and single dose mebendazole, suggesting that a single dose of mebendazole is preffered for mass treatment of multiple helminth infections.

Benefits of Domperidone in ambulatory acute diarrhea with severe vomiting
Methode : RCT
Conclusion : domperidone significantly shortened the duration and decreased the frequency of vomiting in DD cases
Domperidone is a derivate of benzimidazole, a dopamine antagonist, which has prokinetic and antiemetic effects. Domperidone is not a lipophilic substance, and can not enter the blood brain barrier, so has minimal extrapyramidal side effects.

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